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错 开 车 道 的 消 除的英文

"错 开 车 道 的 消 除"怎么读


  • elimi nation of off-set leg
  • "错"英文翻译    wrong; mistaken; erroneous
  • "开"英文翻译    open; turn on; switch on; be ...
  • "车"英文翻译    chariot,one of the pieces in ...
  • "道"英文翻译    road; way; route; path
  • "的"英文翻译    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • "消"英文翻译    disappear; vanish
  • "除"英文翻译    get rid of; eliminate; remov ...
  • "错" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(错误; 不正确) wrong; mistaken; erroneous 拿错东西 take sth. by mistake; 他把我的名字写错了。 he wrote my name wrong. 我的看法错了。 my opinions were wrong. 恐怕你搞错了。 i'm afraid you are mistaken.2.(用于否定: 坏; 差) bad; poor 他们感情不错。 they are on good terms. 今年的收成错不了。 this year's harvest is sure to be good. 这幅画不错。 this picture is not bad.3.(交叉; 参差; 错杂) interlocked and jagged; intricate; complex 盘根错节 with twisted roots and gnarled branches; complicated and difficult to deal with; 犬牙交错 be interlocked like dog's teeth; jigsaw-like; interlockingⅡ动词1.(两个物体相对摩擦; 磨) grind; rub 错牙 grind one's teeth (in one's sleep)2.(更迭; 交错; 错开) alternate; stagger 错缝接合 alternate joint; 这两个会不能同时开, 得错一下。 we can't hold the two meetings at the same time; we must stagger them.3.(相对行动时避开而不碰上; 错过) miss4.[书面语] (在凹下去的文字、花纹中镶上或涂上金、银等) inlay or plate with gold, silver, etc.5.[书面语] (打磨玉石) polish; grindⅢ名词1.(过错; 错处) mistake; fault; demerit 出错 make mistakes; 这是他的错, 不怨你。 you are not to blame; it is his fault.2.[书面语] (打磨玉石的石头) grindstone for polishing jade 他山之石, 可以为错。 stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one. -- advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings.3.(精美的食物) delicacy 山珍海错 delicacies from land and sea4.(姓氏) a surname 错明 cuo ming
  • "消" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(消失) disappear; vanish 红肿已消。 the swelling has gone down. 他的气消了。 he has cooled down. 云消雾散。the clouds dispersed and the fog lifted. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。 the rumour had to disappear before facts.2.(使消失; 消除) eliminate; dispel; remove 消去一个未知数 eliminate an unknown quantity; 消痰 reduce phlegm; 消烟除尘 eliminate smoke and dust3.(度过; 消遣) pass the time in a leisurely way; while away (the time) 消夏 pass the summer in a leisurely way4.[方言] (需要, 前面常有“不、只、何”等) need; take 不消说 needless to say; it goes without saying; 来回只消一个星期。it takes only a week to get there and back
  • "车" 英文翻译 :    车名词1.(中国象棋棋子的一种) chariot, one of the pieces in chinese chess2.(国际象棋棋子的一种) castle; rook
  • "开" 英文翻译 :    开Ⅰ动词1.(使关闭着的东西不再关闭; 打开) open; turn on; switch on; be on 开灯 turn on the light; 开水龙头 turn on the tap; 开窗[门] open the window [door]; 开电视机 turn on the tv; 开锁 open a lock; unlock2.(挖; 打通; 开辟) make an opening; open up; reclaim 开二百亩水稻田 open up 200 mu of paddy fields; 开运河 dig a canal; 在墙上开个窗口 make a window in the wall3.(舒张; 分离) open out; come loose 花都开了。 the flowers are all open. 菊花在秋季开。 chrysanthemums put forth flowers in autumn. 扣儿开了。 the knot has come untied.4.(河流解冻) thaw; become navigable 开冻 thaw; 河开了。 the river is navigable now.5.(解除) lift (a ban, restriction, etc.) 开荤 break vegetarian fast; 开禁 lift a ban6.(发动; 操纵) start; operate 开飞机 fly [pilot] an airplane; 开机器 operate a machine; 开汽车 drive a car; 火车什么时候开 ? when does the train start?7.(队伍开拔) (of troops, etc.) set out; move 开往 leave for (destination); 军队正开往前线。 the troops are moving to the front.8.(建立; 开办) set up; run 开店 run [keep] a shop; 开茶馆 run a teahouse; 开工厂 set up a factory9.(开始) begin; start 开拍 start shooting (a film); 这个渔季开网大吉。 the fishing season began most auspiciously.10.(举行) hold (a meeting, exhibition,etc.) 开运动会 hold an athletic meet; hold a sports-meet ⑾ (写出) write out; make a list of: 开介绍信 write a letter of introduction; 开名单 make a list of names; 开收条 [支票] make out a receipt [check]; 开药方 write out a prescription; 把你所需要的书开个单子。 make out a list of the books you need. 银行开出了不可撤销的信用证。 the bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit. ⑿ (支付; 开销) pay (wages, fares, etc.): 开工资 pay out wages; 开饷 issue pay (esp. to soldiers) ⒀ (沸腾) boil: 水开了。 the water is boiling. ⒁(用在动词后, 表示扩大或扩展): 消息传开了。 the news has got about. 这支歌儿流行开了。 the song has become very popular. ⒂ (用在动词后, 表示开始并继续下去): 冻得他哆嗦开了。 he was shivering with cold. 音乐一响,姑娘们就跳开了。as soon as the music began the girls started to dance.Ⅱ名词1.(十分之几的比例) percentage 大家认为他的功过是三七开。the general assessment of his work is 70% achievements and 30% mistakes.2.(姓氏) a surname:开兆kai zhaoⅢ量词1.[印刷] (整张纸的若干分之一) division of standard size printing paper 八开 octavo; 三十二开 thirty-twomo; 32mo2.(黄金中含纯金量的计算单位) carat 十四开金 14 -carat gold3.(开尔文, 热力学温度单位) kelvin (k)
  • "除" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(去掉) get rid of; eliminate; remove 为民除害 rid the people of a scourge; 兴利除弊 promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful; 战天灾, 除人祸 fight natural disasters and conquer human evils2.[数学] (用一个数把另一个数分成若干等份) divide: 8 除以4得2。 8 divided by 4 is 2. 6能被2 除尽。 6 divides by 2.; 2 goes into 6. 3 除不尽7。 3 will not divide into 7.3.[书面语] (授; 拜官职) invest in office 除某官 be appointed to certain officeⅡ介词(不计算在内) except; (计算在内) besides 除此而外 with the exception of this; excepting this; 除他以外, 我们都去了。 we all went except him. 除星期天外, 他每天都工作。 he works every day except sunday. 除此我什么都不要。 i want nothing besides this. 除英语外, 他还要学德语和法语。 besides english, he has to study german and french.Ⅲ名词[书面语] (台阶) steps to a house; doorsteps 洒扫庭除 sweep the courtyard
  • "道" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词(道路) road; way; route; path 干[便] 道 a main [service] road; 林荫小道 a shady path; 马车道 a wagon road; 铁道 railway; railroad; 羊肠小道 a winding [zigzag] path2.(水流通过的途径) channel; course 河道 river course; 下水道 sewer; 黄河入海有过二十六次改道。 the yellow river changed its course to the sea on 26 occasions.3.(方向; 方法; 道理) way; method 养生之道 the way to keep fit; 以其人之道 , 还治其人之身 deal with a man as he deals with you; pay sb. back in his own coin; 志同道合 cherish the same ideals and follow the same path4.(道德) morals; morality 道义 morality and justice5.(学术或宗教的思想体系; 宇宙万物的本源) doctrine; body of moral teachings; the way of nature which cannot be given a name; principle 传道 propagate doctrines of the ancient sages; preach; 孔孟之道 doctrines [teachings] of confucius and mencius; 尊师重道 honour the teacher and respect his teachings; 得道 (of person) have attained wisdom6.(属于道教的; 道教徒) taoism; taoist 老道 a taoist priest; 一僧一道 a buddhist monk and a taoist priest7.(某些反动的迷信组织) superstitious sect 会道门 superstitious sects and secret societies8.(线条; 细长的痕迹) line 画一条斜道儿 draw a slanting line; 铅笔道 a pencil line9.(身体内的管道) tract 呼吸道 respiratory tract; 胃肠道 gastrointestinal tract10.(技术; 技艺) skill 医道 physician's skill ⑾(姓氏) a surname: 道同 dao tongⅡ量词1.(用于某些长条形的东西; 条) 一道烟 a stream [column] of smoke; 一道气 a jet of gas; 一道光 a streak of light; 万道金光 myriads of golden rays; 一道缝儿 a crack; 一道河 a river2.(用于门、墙等; 重) 两道门 two successive doors; 三道防线 three lines of defence3.(用于命令、题目等) 出五道题 set five questions (for an examination, etc.); 一道命令 an order4.(表示“次”) 上四道菜 serve four courses; 省一道手续 save one step in the processⅢ动词1.(说) say; talk; speak 常言道 as the saying goes; 能说会道 have a glib tongue; have the gift of the gab; 道是无情却有情。 you might say (someone) is cold [unfeeling], but he isn't.2.(以为; 认为) think; suppose 我道是老周呢, 原来是你。 so it's you! i thought it was lao zhou
  • "错,理亏" 英文翻译 :    be in the wrong
  • "坏, 错" 英文翻译 :    mis-
  • "我 们 知 道 的 5 个 爱 情 故 事" 英文翻译 :    ballad
  • "消除,消" 英文翻译 :    erase
  • "车 车 部首" 英文翻译 :    che
  • "…的" 英文翻译 :    -al
  • "的" 英文翻译 :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 is direction
  • "脱离航向, 错" 英文翻译 :    off the beam
  • "一out消" 英文翻译 :    weakest link
  • "一笔out消" 英文翻译 :    the weakest link; weakest link
  • "(车)碾过" 英文翻译 :    run over
  • "(象棋)车" 英文翻译 :    chess rook
错 开 车 道 的 消 除的英文翻译,错 开 车 道 的 消 除英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译错 开 车 道 的 消 除,错 开 车 道 的 消 除的英文意思,錯 開 車 道 的 消 除的英文错 开 车 道 的 消 除 meaning in English錯 開 車 道 的 消 除的英文错 开 车 道 的 消 除怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。